Events in : 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Max, Sample Cell, ABControl images (archive)
On-going since July 2008
Resonating Bodies

Photo: Rob Cruickshank
Details, videos, images, bee trading cards and more at our main web site-blog: http://resonatingbodies.wordpress.com
Monday November 15
Lecture: “Amplified Habitats for Solitary Nesting Bees and Wasps”
Queen’s University School of Music
MUSC445, “Topics in Advanced Analysis (Soundscape Composition)”
Tuesday November 2, 7pm to 9pm
Four Short Talks on Animals
Parts and Labour
1566 Queen Street W., at Sorauren, 416.588.7750
Four fifteen minute talks by naturalists and animal experts: Richard
Aaron on slime moulds, Sherry Burnett on pigs, Sarah Peebles on bees,
and Richard Pope on wild birds. cmagazine.com
Saturday June 5, from 3:30pm to 4:15pm
Subtle Technologies Festival
Innis Town Hall
2 Sussex Avenue, University of Toronto
(3 min. walk S. from St. George Subway Sta.,
corner of St. George St. and Sussex)
Admission prices and details at www.subtletechnologies.com/2010/
Pollination Ecology Expressed through Art: The Collaborative Creation
"Resonating Bodies - Bumble Domicile" Integrated Media Installation
A talk by Professor Laurence Packer, Sarah Peebles and Rob King
‘Resonating Bodies - Bumble Domicile’ was the first of a series of art installations
and projects focusing on biodiversity of bees indigenous to the Greater Toronto Area.
Bumble Domicile highlighted distinct features of local bumble bees through an
observation hive, garden, visual and audio transformations, scent, touch, and biological
information. Created by artists Sarah Peebles, Rob King, Rob Cruickshank and Anne Barros
in collaboration with Canadian and U.S. biologists Laurence Packer, Stephen Buchmann,
Jessamyn Manson and Peter Hallett, the installation premiered at Toronto's *new* gallery
in 2008 (co-presented by InterAccess and NAISA). We will discuss our collaborative process,
how research on bee biology, pathogen transmission and pollination ecology informed the
project, how bumble bee health issues presented us with challenging decisions, and
ongoing ‘Resonating Bodies’ works (resonatingbodies.wordpress.com).
Saturday May 8, 12pm to 4pm (one day only!)
Sarah Peebles - ‘deluxe log’ : Listen to your local bees!
+ 49 other participants
Art and Science Unite!
The Too Cool For School Art & Science Fair
Harbourfront Centre
235 Queen’s Quay West, Toronto
Free, open to the public
The Too Cool For School Art & Science Fair was invented to turn
the spotlight on the unexpected feats of imagination and exploration
that are happening all around us (an exhibition will follow in November).
Resonating Bodies - Pollination Station #2: Deluxe Log
an amplified habitat
sculpture for solitary bees and wasps
Sarah Peebles
(Rob Cruickshank, electronics; John Kuisma, log fabrication)
Many species of solitary, wild bees (and wasps) nest in vacated beetle
bores and other pre-formed cavities, and are critical pollinators.
“Deluxe Log” is a free-standing modified log which provides habitat
and incorporates a weather-resistant observation panel, vibrational
sensors (acting as microphones), custom-built circuitry, headphones
magnifying lens which, combined, provide a magnified, immersive
environment in which to observe these
pollinators in all stages of
life cycles.
(Details at http://resonatingbodies.wordpress.com/art/logplank/ and related pages.)
April, 2010 onward:
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
(CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community
eContact! 12.2 - Interviews (2)
Interview with Heidi Grundmann by Sarah Peebles
Kunst Radio creator Heidi Grundmann discusses her extraordinary
years career in journalism and the wide range of activities of
Radio — the weekly radio art program on Österreich 1
National Radio, ORF), founded in 1987. 7 April 2005.
Related Items
...and much more!
April, 2010 onward:
'Apiograph' on Vimeo
A beautiful new video by Additv (Rob King) which documents a central
element of our 2008 exhibit, "Resonating Bodies - Bumble Domicile".

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The Audible Woman
Contact the artist at sarahpeebles @ gmail.com